to Your Herpes Support Network!

Sex and herpes to Your Herpes Support Network!

Our site is dedicated to provide Information and Resources for People living with Herpes (genital herpes) and their Partners,how to have safe sex with herpes,how to do self-help with herpes,treatment options,nutrition, dating, relationships and newest research!
Our site is dedicated to provide Information and Resources for People living with Herpes (genital herpes) and their Partners,how to have safe sex with herpes,how to do self-help with herpes,treatment options,nutrition, dating, relationships and newest research! is a non-commercialherpes support website. I am not trying to earning money from it,all I want is to provide some useful information to help people who living with herpes to have a normal and easy life.And as the site name “sexwithherpes”,so my site will be focused on how to have safe,happy sex even if we have oral herper/genital herpes.Some articles about how to have sex for men have herpes,women have herpes,couple have herpes,also for gay men,lesbian and bisexual people.
I want you to know that people who living with herpes can have an abundant life too.In our daily life,dating someone special is hard even if we are health,what if you’ve been diagnosed with herpes recently,how to face our life?
Feel upset and confused?
Or panic?
All your life will be just BLUE?
My sex life is over?
NO,THIS IS NOT OUR CHOICE. At,we believe our best defense against of herpes is to understand it!
After learning about herpes for quite a long time,and knowing herpes is just skin rash caused by a virus (HSV) ,we can’t just let it define who we are and also it won’t kill anyone.We can still dating,marry someone and have babies.I am not going to describe about what is herpes,what is genital herpes,what is HSV,I am sure you’ve read them already at CDC or wikipedia :) The only thing I’d like to repeat is a fact about herpes :the only difference between “oral” herpes and “genital” herpes is the LOCATION,not the viral type,so don’t refer HSV-1 as oral herpes and HSV-2 as genital herpes.The fact is both type can do infect either area.Many people may have HSV-1 oral infections and HSV1 or 2 genital infections as well,some doctors now believe that most new genital infections are caused by HSV-1.
Another fact is Women have higher HSV-2 infection rates than men. That’s because as is the case for many STDs-transmission to a woman is easier than transmission to a man (women have a lot more exposed soft tissue than men). Not fair, but true.
(Gross and possibly unfair)Someone made this Generalisations for Dating with herpes(Not standing my opinion)
If you’re about to go on a date with someone with this profile, it is a little more likely they will say: “Hey! I have herpes too!”
A woman
Who is over 30
Who lives in a city
In Greenland
Who has been in the sex trade
Whose immune-system is compromised
Who is black
And who has a low-income
if you’re about to go on a date someone with this profile, it is a little less likely they will say: “Hey! I have herpes too!”
A man
Who is under 30
Who lives in the countryside
In Japan
Who has never been in the sex trade
Whose immune-system is fully functional
Who is Asian
And who has a high-income
There are A lot more are coming soon,then you can check out all our pages.